Monday, June 4, 2007

Back to the campo

I rolled up in the truck from Santo Domingo to find screaming girls and big hugs. Evony and Lily were very happy to see me again. They decorated my room with flower petals and drawings. Muy dulce. I met Ruth´s sister, Rosanny, for the first time. She usually is studying in the capital. Vacation days for students are quite strange here. It seems like there is always someone on vacation.
Yesterday we had another Kermes (potluck) to raise money for our patrionales celebrations. Food, dancing, and cock fights. Yes, I witnessed my first cockfight. They attach an extra plastic claw to the back of the cock´s legs. Attack. It´s quite disturbing watching the two cocks fight to the death. Bloody and exhausted, just pecking away.
Just two weeks to go before our dance performance. I´m hoping to finish our swing routine this week. Yikes. We are all nervous it won´t get done nor be as beautiful as it was planned in my mind.

I´m glad to be back and healthy again. Gracias a Dios.