Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tiempo de Mangos

Right now is the ¨Tiempo de Mangos.¨
Almost every third house here has a Mango tree and each mango tree has hundreds of mangos. Nobody can go hungry at this time of the year. At almost every house I visit, I´m offered a mango or three for a mid-afternoon snack. Most of the mangos are very sweet, juicy and delicious, but tend to be full of long and stringy fibers that get stuck in your teeth. So it´s kind of like a love/hate/slightly emabarrasing relationships I have with the Mangos. By the time I´m finished with my 1st or 3rd, I have atleast 2 orange stains on my clothes, mango juice dripping down my arms, and long orange strings sticking out of my teeth. Any good host brings me a bucket of water to wash up, and a super good host brings me floss and a towel.

I prefer the mangos with less fiber!
I´ll post photos as soon as possible.